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BBC News

Are the UK's finances really worse than expected? (10 hours old)

Rachel Reeves is set to reveal a public finances shortfall of billions on pounds after a snap audit.

UK drops planned Israel arrest warrant challenge (16 hours old)

Keir Starmer's spokesperson said the issue was a matter for the International Criminal Court.

Reeves set to reveal public finance shortfall of billions (23 hours old)

The chancellor will unveil a public spending hole on Monday, which speculation suggests could hit £20bn.

Health regulator not fit for purpose - Streeting (1 day old)

The health secretary says he is stunned by failings in inspecting hospitals, GPs and care homes in England.

Stride announces Conservative leadership bid (18 hours old)

The former work and pensions secretary becomes the fourth person to join the race to replace Rishi Sunak.

Badenoch accuses rival campaign of dirty tricks (22 hours old)

The potential Tory leadership contender says "dishonest" and damaging claims are being spread about her.

Assisted dying bill introduced in Parliament (17 hours old)

Former Justice Secretary Lord Falconer's bill would allow terminally ill adults to end their lives.

Government delays university free-speech fines (20 hours old)

Powers for universities to be fined for failing to uphold freedom of speech have been put on hold.

Watchdog tells MPs they are not special outside Commons (21 hours old)

Daniel Greenberg runs seminars to help MPs remember they are "ordinary" despite their position.

Liz Kendall: Being a mum helps me switch off (1 day old)

Work and pensions secretary says "being a mum" helps her "switch off" from politics.

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